The End of Ego in Gaming: How AI Prefers Teamwork over Individual Ambition
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world as we know it. One area where AI has already demonstrated its superiority is in the field of video games. In fact, a recent study found that AI defeated human players in the popular game Dota 2 in four out of five matches. This is an astounding achievement when you consider that the AI system learned the game from scratch by playing an equivalent of 180 years of games every day for a few months, using reinforcement learning algorithms. Experts in video games have analyzed the performance of the AI system and found that it has several advantages over human players. For instance, the system can evaluate 1000 possible moves in real time, which far exceeds the capabilities of human players. Additionally, the AI system prefers collaborative solutions that it learned through the reinforcement learning phase. This means that it values teamwork and prefers solutions that benefit the entire team, rather than individual players. This is a significant departure from human behavior, which is often driven by ego and individual ambition. At the heart of this achievement is the fact that AI does not have an ego. Unlike humans, AI systems are not motivated by individual affirmation or self-promotion. Instead, they are programmed to seek optimal solutions for the collective good. This is perfectly in line with our belief that collaboration is more effective than competition in almost every context. By combining human and artificial intelligence, we can create a powerful new intelligence that is capable of making better decisions than either humans or AI alone. In the near future, we can expect to see AI impact real-world human behaviors beyond the realm of video games. The possibilities are endless, and the potential for positive change is enormous. By embracing AI and learning from its strengths, we can create a better future for all.